A Call for Benchmark Data in Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics
DOI: 10.5584/jiomics.v2i2.113
Proteomics is a quickly developing field. New and better mass spectrometers, the platform of choice in proteomics, are being introduced frequently. New algorithms for the analysis of mass spectrometric data and assignment of amino acid sequence to tandem mass spectra are also presented on a frequent basis. Unfortunately, the best application area for these algorithms cannot be established at the moment. Furthermore, even the accuracy of the algorithms and their relative performance cannot be established. This is due to the lack of proper benchmark data. This letter first introduces the field of mass spectrometry-based proteomics and then defines the expectations of a well-designed benchmark dataset. Thereafter, the current situation is compared to this ideal. A call for the creation of a proper benchmark dataset is then placed and it is explained how measurement should be performed. Finally, the benefits for the research community are highlighted.